08462-223944 ypraveen321@gmail.com

Dental Radiology

Dental Radiology: Precision Imaging for Comprehensive Care

Welcome to Bhagavathi Dental Hospital, where we prioritize precision and excellence in dental care through our state-of-the-art dental radiology services. Dental radiology plays a crucial role in diagnosing dental conditions, planning treatments, and monitoring oral health, allowing our team to provide comprehensive and personalized care to our patients

What is covered

The Importance of Dental Radiology

Dental radiology, also known as dental imaging, encompasses a range of imaging techniques that provide detailed views of the teeth, jawbone, and surrounding structures. These images allow our dentists to:

  • Detect Dental Issues: Dental radiographs help identify dental problems such as cavities, infections, bone loss, and impacted teeth that may not be visible during a visual examination.
  • Plan Treatments: By visualizing the internal structures of the mouth, dental radiology enables our dentists to plan and perform treatments with precision, ensuring optimal results and patient satisfaction.
  • Monitor Oral Health: Regular dental radiographs allow our team to monitor changes in oral health over time, track the progression of dental conditions, and adjust treatment plans as needed.

Our Dental Radiology Services

At Bhagavathi Dental Hospital, we offer a comprehensive range of dental radiology services using advanced imaging technology, including:

  • Digital X-Rays: Digital radiography produces high-quality images with minimal radiation exposure, allowing for faster processing and enhanced diagnostic capabilities.
  • RVG Digital Sensor: Our RVG digital sensor captures detailed intraoral images, providing our dentists with clear and accurate views of the teeth and supporting structures.
  • Portable X-Ray: Our portable x-ray unit enables us to perform dental radiographs conveniently in any treatment room, minimizing patient discomfort and maximizing efficiency.

Experience the Benefits of Dental Radiology

Experience the benefits of dental radiology at Bhagavathi Dental Hospital. Our 25years experienced Dr. Praveen Kumar is and radiology specialists utilizes the latest imaging technology to provide precise diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and exceptional care to our patients. Schedule your appointment today and discover how dental radiology enhances your dental experience

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