08462-223944 ypraveen321@gmail.com

Laser Root Canal

Laser Root Canal: Advanced Treatment for Lasting Relief

Welcome to Bhagavathi Dental Hospital, where we offer cutting-edge dental care including laser root canal therapy. Our advanced laser technology provides a precise and minimally invasive approach to root canal treatment, ensuring efficient removal of infection and long-lasting relief for our patients

What is covered

The Benefits of Laser Root Canal Therapy

Laser root canal therapy offers several advantages over traditional root canal treatment methods:

  • Precision: Laser technology allows for precise targeting of infected tissue while preserving healthy tooth structure, minimizing the risk of complications and promoting better outcomes.
  • Minimally Invasive: Laser root canal therapy requires less removal of tooth structure compared to traditional methods, resulting in less discomfort, faster healing, and preservation of more natural tooth structure.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Laser energy seals nerve endings and sterilizes the root canal space more effectively, reducing post-operative pain and discomfort for patients.
  • Improved Disinfection: The intense energy of dental lasers effectively disinfects the root canal system, eliminating bacteria and reducing the risk of reinfection.
  • Faster Healing: Laser root canal therapy promotes faster healing and recovery times, allowing patients to return to their normal activities sooner

Our Laser Root Canal Procedure

At Bhagavathi Dental Hospital, our experienced endodontists utilize state-of-the-art dental lasers to perform laser root canal therapy with precision and efficiency. Our procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Diagnosis: We use advanced diagnostic tools, such as digital radiography, to assess the extent of infection and determine the need for root canal therapy.
  2. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure.
  3. Access and Cleaning: A small opening is made in the tooth to access the infected pulp chamber and root canals. Laser energy is used to remove infected tissue and disinfect the root canal system.
  4. Filling and Sealing: Once the root canal space is cleaned and shaped, it is filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent reinfection.
  5. Restoration: A dental crown or filling is placed on the tooth to restore its strength and function.

Experience Advanced Root Canal Treatment

Experience the benefits of laser root canal therapy at Bhagavathi Dental Hospital. Our skilled team of endodontist and advanced technology ensure precise and effective treatment for lasting relief from tooth pain and infection. Schedule your appointment today and discover the difference that laser root canal therapy can make for your dental health

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